Mike the Magnate
Albert Szirmai
Mike the Magnate is one of the most successful Hungarian operetta musicals which is staged season after season in both musical and prose theatres. The success is due partly to the satirical and entertaining plot and partly to the timeless melody numbers written by Albert Szirmai and Andor Gábor such as Who May Know the Heart of a Woman (A nő szívét ki ismeri), I Would Like to Be So Happy (Úgy szeretnék boldog lenni) or Cymbal’s Clanking Pitiless World (Cintányéros cudar világ). The play is perhaps the only example in this genre where the central figure in the title role is a comic character. Virtually in the twinkling of an eye, Miska the quick-witted stable boy, the sharp country kid from Vas County, is transformed into a distinguished aristocrat. His earthbound labourer other half Marcsa also becomes a ballgown wearing fanciful society lady, entering into refined society as Countess Mary. All this, because the obstinate family is adamantly opposed to the proposal by Baracs, an ordinary farm steward, to marry their daughter Countess Rolla. It is extremely fortunate for the young couple that, ignoring all prejudices, the kleptomaniac granny takes their side. Thus the musical may roll on cheerfully towards its happy finale. The play was originally written for the legendary Hungarian stage duo, Márton Rátkai and Sári Fedák. We guarantee its success now with Anna Peller, Károly Peller, Barbara Bordás and Attila Erdős in the main roles.
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