We recommend it from our repertoire
Túl a Maszat-hegyen
Fergeteges családi musical a Budapesti Operettszínházban Varró Dániel és Teslár Ákos sziporkázóan szellemes szövegével és Presser Gábor varázslatos zenéjével: a Túl a Maszat-hegyen magával ragadja a kicsiket és a nagyokat ...
The Count of Monte Cristo
Based on the novel of Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo is a true, epic romantic musical. Love, intrigue, revenge and passion with songs written by György Szomor and adapted by Zsolt Pozsgai. Human struggles, destinies, judgement of good and ...
The Man of La Mancha
Are we lockedinside the prison of our own mind and thoughts? Our latest stage performance of our theatre makes us think while entertaining. The tale becoming alive in an abstract environment is about Don Quixote, the melancholy-faced knight who was ...
Csárdás princess
This is the first time that Attila Vidnyánszky, the director of the Hungarian National Theatre, has directed an operetta performance, and the world’s most famous one at that. Following its July preview performance at the Margaret Island Open ...