We recommend it from our repertoire
Ave Maria - Adventi Gála
Hangolódjon az ünnepekre színházunk adventi gálakoncertjével! Egy különleges este vár Önökre, ahol a karácsonyi dallamok és a zenés színház világának varázslata találkozik. Meghitt hangulat, klasszikus és modern művek, valamint ...
The Count of Monte Cristo
Based on the novel of Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo is a true, epic romantic musical. Love, intrigue, revenge and passion with songs written by György Szomor and adapted by Zsolt Pozsgai. Human struggles, destinies, judgement of good and evil, ...
Poor Man Johnny and Princess Arnica
Our play is based on Ervin Lázár’s fable about a couple in love who embark on a journey. This adaptation, suitable for an audience of all ages features uniquely heart-warming world music melodies by Edina Mókus Szirtes and ...
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Jewish girl hiding with her family in Amsterdamfrom the German occupiers, Anne Frank aged 13 began to write a diary on 1st June, 1942. She planned to write a book based on her notes on the war, truly depicting the years of the German occupation ...