We recommend it from our repertoire
Poor Man Johnny and Princess Arnica
Our play is based on Ervin Lázár’s fable about a couple in love who embark on a journey. This adaptation, suitable for an audience of all ages features uniquely heart-warming world music melodies by Edina Mókus Szirtes and ...
Mike the Magnate
Mike the Magnate is one of the most successful Hungarian operetta musicals which is staged season after season in both musical and prose theatres. The success is due partly to the satirical and entertaining plot and partly to the timeless melody ...
Együtt az Autistákért Gála
A Budapesti Operettszínház kiemelten fontosnak tartja, hogy támogassa autista embertársainkat a minél teljesebb élet megteremtésében és megélésében, ezért – ahogyan immár hagyománnyá vált – idén is gálakoncertet ...
The Man of La Mancha
The Man of La Mancha Conquers the Budapest Operetta Theatre Again “And the world will be better for this That one man, scorned and covered with scars Still strove with his last ounce of courage To reach the unreachable ...